Welcome to craigpettigrew.com, a website for Music Editor Craig Pettigrew and his family. This is primarily a launching page for an ftp site for work-related activities. However, I expect the future will bring modifications that will include family info and photos of our activities, a cyberjournal of sorts for the express use of family and friends
In order to access files, you'll need to download Fetch or an equivalent, Also, you'll need to contact me for both username and password. Once in Fecth, the site will be ftp.craigpettigrew.com. You'll be asked to enter a username and password, and then the folders will spring forth and you;ll be ready to "Get File" (download) or "Put File" (Upload).
I hope this site is accomodating and easy to navigate. As I learn how to html, I promise this site will grow and be updated frequently.